Text: Matthew 14:22-36
Many people recognised Jesus Christ as a great healer and not necessarily what He truly was, the giver of eternal life. They were looking for miracles and not necessarily to receive the miracle worker. Many were looking for physical healing and blessing, food and other physical things and not necessarily spiritual welfare. They, like many of us, were looking for
material things to prolong their lives here on earth and yet not bothered about eternal life, the most important one.

The above is still evident today. Today many preachers are preaching about receiving miracles and many are looking for these miracles; and few are talking about forgiveness and repentance in the name of Jesus Christ.
Will you pray to receive Christ today?

Meditate on verse 33. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Heavenly and ever forgiving Father, I pray that You release Your fire anew in my teaching other people the simple truth of Your Gospel; that You, are indeed, the Saviour and Lord and that You, indeed, came into the world to save sinners like me. Amen.

