Text: Ezekiel 41:1-26
This new location for the measuring was inside the outer wall, a place where only a priest could be. Ezekiel was a priest (Ezek.1:3), so it was right for him to be there.

This is the area where worship takes place. The worshipper enters the inner Temple, bringing to the Priest the animal which will be slaughtered; the animal that will serve as the substitute and atone for the person’s sin.
When we come to Christ for salvation, we come to Him who is seated in the eternal heavenly Temple. And by His grace, we are brought in by the work of God the eternal Son and by God the Holy Spirit.

Meditate on verse 1. On what grounds do you think Ezekiel could be brought into the sanctuary? Today who is your priest?

Our Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, we thank You for giving us Your Only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to be our High Priest, through whom we can approach You in confidence. As forgiven sinners we claim, with gratitude, that You are our God and our Redeemer. Amen.

