Text: Joshua 8:1-35

Once the issue about Achan’s theft at Jericho was addressed, Israel was then ready to resume the war against the inhabitants of Canaan. Though Joshua might have been worried of another defeat, Yahweh encouraged him not to be afraid because God had already given the victory into his hands (v.1)

In our own spiritual lives, our sins are daily and many, we are always transgressing the Covenant, so there could always be fear of condemnation from God. But we do not need to be afraid, because Jesus has already accomplished for us perfect obedience of God’s laws and death to satisfy His justice. God’s Fatherly discipline will always be there, because He loves us (Heb. 12:6), but we will never need to fear being condemned or destroyed (Romans 8:1). We will always be united to God’s saving grace in Christ.

Meditate on Verse 1. How are you going to apply it to your life?

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me defeat my enemies.
Give me the encouragement and joy of salvation. Amen.

