Text. Deuteronomy 10:1-22
The passage we read today gives us instructions on how to love and worship God properly – it is to be done from the heart (vv. 12 – 16). Outward acts of love, obedience, and worship and not acceptable to God (you wouldn’t accept it either). Jesus quoted Isaiah when He spoke about the Jewish religious authorities, saying, “ … This people honours Me with their lips, But their heart in far from Me” (Mark 7:6, NKJV); (Isaiah 29:13)
Circumcision was the sign of Yahweh’s covenant with Israel. The removal of skin was also a symbol of cleansing, the removal of the sin nature. Most Israelites had the mistaken idea that being from Israel and having the physical act of circumcision made them acceptable to God. But what God desires is spiritual circumcision of the heart, removing sin, and then loving Him with the cleansed heart. Jesus’ death for our sin penalty is our spiritual circumcision and cleansing. The new covenant sign is baptism, a symbol of spiritual washing. Let us love God with baptised hearts, not just with wet heads.
Meditate on verses 12 – 16. What is God teaching you in these verses? How are you going to apply them to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me circumcise my heart so that I will obey You. Amen