Text: Mark 10:28-45
Peter said that all of them, the twelve disciples, had left all and followed Jesus Christ (v. 28). In the immediate past, Jesus Christ had asked the rich young ruler to leave all and follow Him. So, Peter wanted to know their reward.
Jesus said they will receive a hundredfold of what they have left at present time and in the future. However, Jesus cautions them of envious persecution that these great blessings (v. 30) will draw. It is important to note that those who wholeheartedly pursue wealth and status will have none in heaven and
believers who are humble, obedient and serve the Lord will be important people in heaven (v.31), apart from all their needs on earth (v.30)
Jesus Christ goes on to tell His disciples of His pending crucifixion (vv. 31-34).
The mention of going to Jerusalem amazed and filled His disciples with awe because Jesus Christ was determined to go to Jerusalem, despite the standing
threat that He would be put to death cruelly (Luk. 9:51).
In the heat of this moment, two of His disciples came to Him to ask for places of prominence and honour other than the throne of heaven (v. 37). Disciples
still had challenges comprehending the teaching of Jesus on humility (vv. 34- 35) and His primary role as per the Prophets. The disciples had not yet taken
on His repeated revelations that He was on the way to Jerusalem to be killed for the Sin of man. His disciples were still mentally-bounded by the physical
kingdom expectation of the Jews of the human race. Therefore, the natural urge for some of them, like James and John was to begin lobbying for positions
of earthly honour in their cherished, but non-existent “kingdom”. Jesus then sharply turns their worldly situation upon them, and by implication on all
believers, that: whoever wants to be great in God’s Kingdom must be a slave to all (v. 44).

Meditate on verse 44. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Almighty and ever-loving Father, I pray that You endow me with a spirit of humility in service as I lead my family, in the community, at work and in the nation; so that my works may glorify Your name. In the precious name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I have prayed. Amen.

