Text: Psalm 119:73-136
Suffering brings spiritual focus (Psalm 119:73-88). When a believer suffers, it is always for a purpose. That purpose is not just for our benefit, but also the benefit of others who watch and see what we are going through. The Psalmist desires that others might learn and be encouraged in and through the experience of seeing the Father come in power, as we grow in faith through pain. While in this pain, you will see greater insights and value in God’s Word that you would have never seen before. The Psalmist begins to drink deeply and delight wholeheartedly into this rich experience, and when others observe this, he desires that they would draw together in closer fellowship. This is in the hope that together we would develop deep affection and community.

When you are at the very end of your own strength, what do you do?
STAY IN THE WORD! When you’re exhausted and you want to give up on absolutely everything, stay with the one critical thing that keeps you going and preserves your life – God’s Holy and Inspired Word! By focusing on this, it is your greatest hour of need, you will discover greater power for obedience, and the wisdom to carry it out well.

Loving the Word (Psalm 119:89-104). One of the greatest things that you can say about the Word of God is that it is Eternal. When you read it, you have the enormous privilege of viewing briefly into the vast eternity of the mind of our Heavenly Father. His mind is far greater than ours but, He loves us so much that He wants us to know something of who He is, even with our own limitations! God’s own words sustain and hold the universe together! It is this same Word that is communicated to us by the power of the Holy Spirit to know how completely trustworthy our Father is!
When you have this view of the Bible, you cannot help but love it deeply!

When you love something this much, it is as natural as breathing to be meditating on it constantly. What will happen when you do this? People around you will know; in fact, it will be impossible to hide it. Your wisdom
and insight, your confidence in God’s truth will attract people to you; use this opportunity then to help others refocus on God’s word so that they will hate evil as you do.

Direction from the One who knows you best (Psalm 119:105-120). Do you know where you are going in life? Oh yes, you may have chosen a career and started a family; but do you know where the Lord is leading you? Without God’s Word, we lose our spiritual focus and when we work in this world, we can be easily distracted. There are many risks in the real world, and people love to take advantage of us more often than we would like. But politics and competition are no excuse for not having the joy and the focus of the Lord! Therefore, set your heart on seeing God’s path in every situation no matter how difficult.

There is no way that you can keep this commitment on your own; you must
fear God and ask Him to sustain you in all of these challenges. The world you work and live in is complicated because of sin, and sinful relationships!
In fearing Him truly, we will seek His will constantly in all things.
The wonderful, supernatural, righteous Word! (Psalm 119:121-136).
The laws of God are not just difficult demands that we weak human beings,
find hard to obey and do. Here, they are described as “wonderful”; which means, in the original language, that they are supernatural! Because they are supernatural, it takes some serious effort and thinking to get every blessing from them that they are intended for. They are “unfolding” before
our eyes, that is, they give more and more insight and understanding as we grow in faith. When we see how life transforming they are, we beg God for every possible change that can happen in our life. We thirst for holiness, not only for ourselves, but also for others!

Meditate on verses 81,103,114,127. What is God teaching you in these
verses? How are you going to apply them to your life?
Ever loving Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I thank You for the privilege of being able to freely read Your Word; I acknowledge and proclaim that You are my hiding place and rest all my hope in Your Word. Amen.

