Text: Daniel 3:1-30
Knowing the future is never enough for those who are addicted to power. They will always try to control the flow of events so as to guarantee their own power in the future. The dream that Daniel interpreted did not convince the king to trust in God’s control of events. He wanted to make sure that whatever happened in his kingdom in the future he would be the one in control. This is at core, the basic pillar of idolatry, that is, trusting in anyone or in anything else other than the one true God revealed in the Bible. It’s never about the content that one may desire for themselves in social media or in any public form. It’s always about perception: “You must think about me as a great person!” Because we choose fear over trust in God, we demand to control what other people think of us. Nebuchadnezzar demanded to control the thinking of others.

It is truly amazing that when one is addicted to power, even their own friends are not safe. Even though the king had observed truly awesome divine power displayed through these brilliant young men, it was never enough to humble him before the One true God. When you fail to acknowledge God’s Sovereignty, you are forced to act upon the one remaining lie. That is, you are forced to demand power and authority that were never yours. It was an ugly choice of injustice and irrational behavior to insist upon the death of trustworthy servants of God.
These extraordinary brave young men, who had proven themselves while still in school, were once again faced with death. Yet the threat of death as fearful as it might be, was not stronger than their fear of Almighty God. In the history of the church, this is how the Gospel moves forward. It is only when brave men and women stand up for the truth, regardless of personal cost, that the Gospel powerfully moves forward in the world.

Praise Jesus! It was none other than the second Person of the Trinity, the Holy Son of God, who stood with these extraordinary brave young men! (vv.25). Christ revealed Himself in a few cases in the Old Testament, and this one is amazing!

Many people in history have been willing to die for the cause of Christ, but when it is in the perfect will and plan of God, He powerfully chooses to intervene in order to show His power and the truth of the Gospel. The wonderful result of this event was the freedom to worship Yahweh in the empire! Daniel and his friends were to be very necessary for the future preservation of the Jews. Yahweh had promised that He would restore them to their home, and so in the powerful preservation of that plan, He miraculously intervened.

You and I stand upon the shoulders of giants in the faith, people who counted the cost and realized that death is to be preferred rather than compromise. Are you ready today to be that strong for Christ? Pray that you will grow to have that strength!

Meditate on verse 18. How are you going to apply it to your Life?
Father in heaven, I choose to obey only You. I pray You stand by me in the
midst of temptations and keep me from worshipping other gods. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.

