Text: Matthew 16:1-12
The sign and teaching of the Lord are clear; many people today crave for a sign. They move from place to place looking for a pastor or site of miracles. They look for the ‘word’ that speaks in their life; yet Jesus indicates, in this teaching, that “it is only an adulterous generation that seeks after a miracle or sign”. Jesus states that indeed signs of weather are enough to tell what is to come. On the teaching from Pharisees, He states that people should be aware of the ‘yeast’ in their teaching. It appears nice and reasonable, but beware; it kills. And among us today are such experts who seem right in their teaching, but kill the Gospel. Be on guard. Such teachings focus on carnality and reduces Christ to our level; that is a shame!
Meditate on verse 6. How are you going to apply to your life?
Our Lord and King, we ask You to show us that the reality around us in the world is a “sin” already. Our prayer is that You reveal the yeast in this word, “sign” or “miracle” so as to guard us against falsehoods that destroy Your Word slowly, but surely. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.