Text: Judges 13:8-25
Samson’s mother tells her husband, Manoah “A man of God came to me, and his appearance was like the appearance of the angel of God, very awesome” (v.6). So Manoah prays to meet Him, and He comes again.
Manoah asks about the child and also desires to honour the visitor. This is when we learn about the nature of the visitor, that He is no ordinary person. Food was offered to Him, it is placed on a rock altar, and when flame went upward, the angel of Yahweh went up in the flame. Manoah was afraid because, “we have seen God” (v.22). Manoah was correct, the angel of Yahweh is not an ordinary angel, and not a man. He is the LORD, Yahweh, God. In fact, in the Old Testament, whenever God makes appearances to humans, it is always God the eternal Son – Jesus. (see also Ex.3:2-5; Jos.5:14-15; Isa.6:1-5 with John12:41; etc.).

Meditate on verse 11. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for good communication between spouses, and indeed within all families as it were with Manoah and his wife. Amen.

