Text: 1 Peter 2: 1-25
In this passage, we see another practical exhortation to spiritual growth. In verse 1, Peter begins by giving us a list of sins to be mortified. Note the attention that Peter attaches to this representative list of those sins most antithetical to the holy love enjoined in chapter 1: 13-25, and most destructive of relationships between believers called to love one another. He then in verses 2-3 urges believers to long for the unadulterated milk of the Word of God. The reference here is to the Scriptures (written Word) that have served to give them new life in Christ so that they might grow to maturity in the Lord (cf.Colossians 1: 5-6).
See how Peter’s exhortation advances from commending the written Word of God to a commendation of the Living Word in verse 4 where he uses the “stone” imagery. So, the passage does not only lead us from the principles of Scripture to the Person of Scripture, but it also reminds us of what it is we have been made and what we have received in Christ. This means that in our longing for the nourishment of Scripture in our Spiritual growth, we are drawn to the Person of Christ who is the living Lord of the Word – the precious choice and Living Rock of salvation (verses 4-8). Note how the use of “stone” and “building” imagery was drawn out of the teaching of Old Testament Scriptures to play out in the following verses: v. 6—Isaiah 28: 16; v.7—Psalm 118: 22; v.8—Isaiah 8: 14.
In this Chapter, Peter again highlights the importance of maintaining personal purity (vv.11-12) and proceeds to expound the discipline of Christian submission and its effect upon the public sphere in which it is demonstrated (13-25). Note how the passage calls on believers to practice such submission in the civil realm (vv.13-17), in the work place (18-25) and in family relationships (3: 1-7). In all these verses, we see two things: First, the believer’s submission is limited by consideration of what is and what is not sin in the sight of God. Second, Jesus Christ provided for us an encouraging example of godly submission (vv. 21-25).
Therefore, even when Christians suffer harsh and unjust treatment, their vision should be set not on their own afflictions, still less upon any contemplated measures of revenge against our oppressors, but rather upon our saving God.
Meditate on verse 11. In what sense are you an alien and a stranger in this world and why is it important that you think of yourself as such? How are you going to apply this verse to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, empower me in my journey of salvation. Keep my testimony. Amen.