Text: Jeremiah 5:17-31
The Lord, through Prophet Jeremiah reveals the source of riches of Israel: corruption (vv. 27-28). Everyone including prophets, priests, and the citizens who approve of institutionalized corrupt practices (vv. 30-31) contributed to the riches of Israel. This is the situation in our beloved country, Uganda. Many claim to know God through His Son, Jesus Christ, but they deny Him by their actions (Titus 1:16 & 2 Tim 3.5).
Meditate on verses 30-31. What is God teaching you in these verses?
Almighty and merciful Father, I pray that You forgive us all, the citizens of this nation as well as our spiritual and political leaders, for we have all sinned and institutionalised evil practices. We repent in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.