Text: Isaiah 44:1-28
In this chapter we see God, through Isaiah, affirming great blessings upon His children when they return from captivity and much more in the Messianic rule (vv. 1-8). We also learn the foolishness and danger of worshipping idols. (vv. 9-20). We also see God confirming His blessings to His people (vv.21-28). The truth is that God’s people are happy because of the covenant they have with Him (vv. 1-2). They are His servants, He chose them, and they are His creatures for He made them. They are also happy because He has secured for them the covenant blessings. In Christ alone you have all God’s blessings secured from eternity.

Meditate on verse 6. How are you going to apply it to your life?

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for creating me in Your own image. You are the Creator of all things seen and unseen. You are the first and the last. Besides You there is no other God. Amen.

