Text: Isaiah 62:1-12
The prophet Isaiah is here now announcing the restoration of Jerusalem.
That the people will no longer be termed as forsaken and the land termed as desolate, which are negative and degrading terms. Instead the people will now be called Hephzibah, meaning “My delight” in her (Israel) and the Land will be known as Beulah, meaning “married” which refers to people’s relationship with God being fully restored (v.4). “….so shall your sons marry you…” (v. 5) “Marry” refers to the people occupying and possessing the city after it has been restored. They will live and take delight in the restored city of Jerusalem.
You may be known by negative names but God is willing to give you new names at the point you receive and believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, as your Saviour and Lord because you will have become a new person (2 Cor. 5:17).

Meditate on verse 4. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for changing my destiny when You gave me salvation. Amen.

