In the midst of excuses, Jeremiah is commanded by God to prepare himself and deliver God’s oracles or else he is punished for disobedience (v.17). Jeremiah is further told the naked truth that, indeed, the task ahead will be challenging; for he will face many enemies. However, the Lord comforts him that these enemies will not prevail over him (v. 19). The people who will resist this young prophet are kings and princes of the land, the priests, who had acted contrary to the mandate placed upon them by God by not telling the truth and rebuking the evil in the land. Thus, the citizens were believing in lies and overtly practicing idolatry. Jeremiah is told to fear God, not man. Brother or Sister, you would rather have all men being your enemies than having God as your enemy.

Jesus told His disciples that by trusting Him they would be trusting God who sent Him (John 12:44, LASB). Let us trust and obey God and execute our callings rather than fronting excuses and fearing man.

Meditate on verses 17 and 19. What is God teaching you in these verses?

Our Rock and heavenly Father, thank You for the promise that You will always be with me to deliver me from my enemies; I claim this promise today and all the days of my life in the precious name of Your Son and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

