Text: 2 Kings 9:1-37
King Omri (King of Israel), his son Ahab and Ahab’s two sons (Ahaziah and
Jehoram), all lived and reigned wickedly. So, Yahweh determined to bring that family, and their dynasty, to an end. He chose General Jehu to do the work.
God’s Kingdom will be established in righteousness, and He will not ignore the sins of His people, especially those of His leaders. For the family of Omri, God’s discipline meant the end of the family line.
Corrupt leadership has always been a problem in God’s church. But, mysteriously, the Lord still builds His Kingdom (Gen.3:15), and it always will be that way right to the end. Whether in the churches or in our homes or elsewhere, we all must be careful to love and serve one another and focus less on our own interests (Phil.2:4). As King Jesus never served Himself but loved and served His Father and His people, so must we do the same. Especially so, if you are a leader, you are called to love and serve your people ahead of yourself. God will bless that kind of attitude and service.
Meditate on verse 7. What is God teaching you in this verse? How are you
going to respond to this verse?
Holy Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, forgive and cleanse me, and Your Church with the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen.

