Text: Mark: 8:1-38
This passage initiates a major shift in Mark’s gospel. The word ‘Christ’ has not appeared since the Gospel’s opening verses. So, in this passage Jesus discloses more and more about His identity and describes what it means to be a disciple.

He indicates that there are two sides to discipleship: the cross-bearing, the self-denial, the sharing in His sufferings and those who are not ashamed of Him or His words will look forward to meeting Him. Peter’s claim did not appreciate that Jesus’s Messiahship (Christology) and salvation had sacrifice at its heart (vv. 29, 33).Verses 34-38 offers an extremely difficult description of what we call Christian discipleship. Peter’s view on Jesus reminds us of how difficult it is to embrace a suffering Christ in our times. We would rather define Jesus according to our priorities.

Meditate on verses 27 and 29. How do these verses apply to you?

My heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for the redeeming
power You gave me to acknowledge that indeed Jesus Christ is the Messiah,
my Saviour and Lord. Amen.

