Text: Zephaniah 1:1-18

When Israelites arrived in the Promised Land, God commanded them to completely eliminate the pagan occupants with their Idols, but they did not. With time the Israelites began to worship Idols too (vv.4-6). The chief god was Baal which symbolised strength and fertility. This made God very angry with His children for He cannot share His glory with any thing else, He is a jealous God (Exod.34:14).

A god can also be anything else reverenced more than God, for example, oneself, power or money, if your trust is more in such other than God. Today money has become god to many, the reason many are killing and stealing knowingly or unknowingly, worship god called money. Riches cannot save you, we have seen kingdoms and individuals that fell despite the great wealth they had. Only God will save you, honour, power and the glory belongs to Him alone. Only Him should we worship through Jesus Christ, His eternal Son and Saviour.

Meditate on verse 5. How are you going to respond to it?

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, forgive us as a nation for the Idol worship we are practicing. Amen.

