Text: 2 Peter 3: 1-18
As we come to the end of our studies in the second epistle of Peter, we are once again challenged to learn to think differently. His whole aim of writing is to urge Christians to use their minds in the way God intended as it is summed up in the words: “…I am stirring up your sincere mind…”, verse:1-ESV or as it is written in the NIV “… to stimulate you to wholesome thinking”. This call for clear and godly thinking comes out powerfully in something Paul says in Romans 12: 2, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (NIV). Why does Peter make an issue of this? This is because the world that does not know God thinks in one way; the Christian, however, who knows God, thinks in a radically different way.
This new mindset is important for believers as they respond to the questions in their own minds raised by the harsh realities of life they experience in the ‘now’ of God’s time table’ and prompted ridicule from the opponents of the Gospel
(vv.3-13).Note the three things required in cultivating this new mindset pointed out in vv.1-2: a right understanding of God, the gospel, and ourselves must take precedence over everything else, a mind that is not dulled or damaged through
forgetfulness and a mind that is not diverted from the Scriptures. One thing worth noting from the concluding verses of this text is that we need to take the time to guard our minds with the proper knowledge of God so that we may not drift from the path that God has laid out for us.
Meditate on verses 3-10. Why Christians should not be surprised by the fact that there are many who ridicule the doctrine of Christ’s second coming (3:3)?
How does Peter outline and then answer their objection to the doctrine of Christ’s return (3: 4-7)? What one thing has made the biggest impression on you as you worked through the teaching of this epistle?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for the gift of Jesus Christ, my Saviour and Lord. In Him I’m ready to be in Your presence on Christ’s second coming. Amen.