Text: Micah 7:1-20

In this chapter, Micah begins with grief (vv.1-6) and he ends in hope (vv.8-20). Like a farmer who gets disappointed by finding no fruit to eat even after harvest, Micah is disappointed by not finding a godly person in the land (vv.1-4). Is it possible? Yes, look at our situation today. Christian principles are compromised everyday even by those who claim to saved in order to achieve what they desire, more so when we compromise because every body is doing it. Remember that society does not give the standard for honesty but God alone!

However, Micah displays his faith in God (v.7). He wished people were patient and develop the spirit of obedience while they suffer, then God would cleanse them of their sins (v.9). God punishes His people because of the love He has for them so that they can come back to Him, it is never a sign of rejection. Repent in the name of Jesus Christ and gain fellowship with God.

Meditate on verse 7. How are you going to apply it to your life?

Father, the Lord of heaven and earth, I look to You for help, I wait confidently for Your salvation and I trust You will hear me. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.

