Text: Judges 13:1-7
Chapters 13-16 are about the Judge Samson. Before his birth, the angel of Yahweh (God, the Son, Jesus) told the mother that her child will be a Nazarite, which we learn about in Numbers 6. A Nazarite was a person who took an especially serious vow, a person especially dedicated for service to God, like Samuel (1Sam.1:11) or John the Baptist (Luk.1:15). Surely, Samson will be a great Judge, wholly set apart for service to God and His people, or so it was hoped!

The story of Samson ends badly; his dedication was not what was expected.
But the greater Nazarite, Jesus Christ, was entirely set apart for God’s service, by His Father and in His own heart. Though Jesus was not a Nazarite by vow, He was spiritually, fully dedicated to God. We who belong to Christ can also serve whole-heartedly because we are new creatures, filled with the Holy Spirit. We will not be perfect; but our service is accepted in Christ.

Meditate on verse 8. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Our Omnipresent and loving Father, I pray that You pour out Your spirit to enable all men to be available to pray with and for their families. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I have prayed. Amen.

