Text: Joshua 17-19 (three chapters)
Most people reading these three chapters would be very bored, just a list of boundary lines and who gets which territory. It’s almost like reading a genealogy, just one name after another. But this is real history. If you were an Israelite, these chapters would be exciting. Here is where you learn what property belongs to you, to your family, and to your descendants. That’s exciting. God’s Word is very practical!

We also will receive an inheritance. It won’t be temporary, as it was for Israel. Our inheritance will be on the new earth, forever (2 Pet.3:13). When Jesus finished His work on earth, He went to prepare a place for us. He will take us there to
enjoy it with Him (John14:2-3). Jesus will distribute to each of us what is right. He didn’t tell us the details, as Joshua did. But we know we will have it, and that’s exciting. Take your affections off this life and set them on Jesus and on being with
Him forever.

Meditate on 19:49. Joshua a leader of the people got last! What lesson are you learning from this verse? How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, deal with the spirit of greed in our leaders. Let our leaders lead with integrity and love. Amen.

