Text: Romans 12:2-8
Today’s meditation is a continuation from yesterday’s. In verse 1 Apostle Paul tells us that we must be living sacrifices, which is our proper worship.
Then verse 2 continues that exhortation, “do not be conformed to this world …”. When Paul speaks of “this world”, he means anything that is anti-God.

We are called to be and do the opposite of the world, to be transformed. Of course, transformation is something only God can do. We cannot regenerate ourselves. But transformed people are called to live transformed lives. That transformation is accomplished by our renewed minds.

A transformed mind means that we must actively and intentionally think about everything in our lives and discern what is right and wrong. We cannot simply continue as we were before. We are responsible to think about every aspect of our lives. It also means that we must examine our hearts, because our affections must also be transformed. Also, we must be aware that our thoughts easily drift in wrong directions. Consider what Paul says to the Philippians: whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy, think about these things (Phil.4:8). Try reciting some Bible verses you memorized, or sing a few favorite hymns or Christian songs, or meditate on a Bible person or some other admirable Christian you know. Especially think about the Lord Jesus Christ, who loves you and gave Himself for you.

Meditate on verse 2. How are you going to apply it to your life?

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me to have my mind shaped by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen.

