Text: Ezekiel 43:1-27
The altar might be considered the most important piece of furniture in the Temple. This is the point at which the sinner and God can be brought together. The person brings his animal to the priest, and the priest then kills the animal and burns it on the altar. The animal is a substitute for the person’s own death penalty. Now that the person’s sin problem is removed, he can approach God, spiritually. Someday, all those who belong to this grace will be brought into God’s presence completely, forever.

Jesus Christ is our substitute, the Lamb of God. When Jesus was on the cross, the Father put the sin and guilt of His people onto Jesus and then punished Jesus instead of punishing His people. His people are now free and can be assured that they will be with God forever. Please accept Jesus as your Saviour. Trust that His death is full, complete, and perfect payment for your sin penalty. If you do, you will be free from the penalty, and you can be sure that you will be with God forever. Then live a life of grateful
obedience according to God’s Word.

Meditate on verse 18. What are you learning from this verse?
Ever loving Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ, who offered Himself as the Sacrificial Lamb, once for all. Through Him all my sins were forgiven. Father, enable me to live a life of obedience to my calling. Amen.

