Text: Mark 10:46-52
The healing of Bartimaeus was the second healing of blind men, as recorded in Mark (8:22-26). In the land of Palestine, blindness was always thought of as a curse from God for a sin or sins committed (John 9:2), this perception Jesus Christ vehemently countered (John 9:3). The healing of Bartimaeus happened as Jesus, leading a big crowd, was on the way to Jerusalem for his final mission.

For Bartimaeus to call Jesus the “Son of David” was recognizing that indeed Jesus Christ was the Messiah (the sent one). Bartimaeus’s healing of his eyes showed the inner healing of salvation (v. 52).

Meditate on verse 50. How are you going to apply it to your life?

Almighty Father, I pray that You empower me and enable me to throw away any weight that hinders me from coming to You for full visitation and to faithfully following You. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray this. Amen

