Text: Psalm 119:137-176
Pursuing the Righteous Word (Psalm 119:137-152). God will always use His law in a way that is just and honourable. His own Words reflect this righteousness. We may get tired of demanding for what is right, and yet not seeing or experiencing it; but with spiritual experience we begin to see God’s character and how incredibly faithful He is. As a result, we want to see and experience more and more!

What your heart will begin to do is to cry out to God more and more! That is, you will see less and less of your own power, and crave and beg for more of His! The Lord is always near, He delights in hearing His children call out to Him. His laws are established forever; you can trust then, that in the long years of pursing Him, you will find a profound sense of trust.

Suffering for the truth (Psalm 119:153-168). If everything the Bible teaches is true, then we have no other choice than to obey it. That is a very strong statement, considering how widely and deeply the Bible will affect our lives. But if God’s Word is eternal, then His truths are never too old; they never have an “expiration date”. Emotions, traditions, culture, family, all these pull at your heart, asking you to compromise here and there. But loving God’s Word preserves your life and makes it all worthwhile, something your unsaved friends cannot possibly comprehend unless they know Christ for themselves. In the meantime, we will suffer for doing good, and the Lord promises to preserve us out of His endless love for us.

What should you do when you suffer? Praise God seven times a day! It’s
amazing how temptation and discouragement under persecution fly away
when we praise God! Praising Him allows us to wait patiently for His rescue; we obey in faith, knowing that in His perfect timing He will honour
faithfulness (Acts 16.22-26).

A lifestyle, and a lifestyle, of repentance (Psalm 119:169-176). When you are a believer being transformed by the Power of God’s Holy and inspired Word, there is not a day in which you do not in serious heartfelt prayer, ask your heavenly Father to progressively change you into the image of Christ. We are desperate to understand more of His grace, in order to gain more patience and perspective. We desire deliverance from sin and its oppression in our lives. In order for that to happen, God’s Word gives us new insights and convictions, and more importantly, new power to choose change and be different! Therefore, we must read, learn, memorize, and follow it. Only then will it have the profound supernatural effect that we are so anxious to receive. Praise God that He is seeking us!
For in so doing, we are seeking Him!

Meditate on verse 148. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Almighty and loving Father, I thank You that You are always seeking me for a loving relationship. I pray that You be with me and help me to meditate on Your Word daily and to choose Your precepts for the rest of my life. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.

