Text: Jeremiah 2:18-37
Your choice to abandon God and live in sin has terrible consequences (v. 19).
As we saw earlier, because of sin, Israel is no longer the legitimate son of God, but a slave to other nations.
Jesus Christ calls us to come to Him for His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matt. 11:28-30). As long as you are living in sin, you are a slave to sin and you will reap all its bitter consequences, including living without peace on earth and then spending eternity in hell. Repent, receive and believe in Jesus Christ for in
Him alone we find salvation (Act. 4:12).

Meditate on verse 19. What is God warning you about?
Everlasting and Merciful Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we repent, as a nation, of all the evil we have done; forgive us and do not punish us as our sins deserve, but according to Your eternal mercies. Amen.

