Text: Luke 2:34-52
It is not implied that by Jesus Christ growing or increasing in wisdom and
stature, He, at no one time ceased to be God or separated Himself from the
divine attributes so as to become man. The truth is that He took on human
nature, as an addition, and not subtraction and yielded His divine attribute to the Will of God, His Father (John 5:19, 30; 8:28; Phil 2:5-8). It is, therefore,
important to note that His omniscience could be on the display (Matt. 9:4; John 2:24, 25; 4:17-18; 11:11-14; 16:30); and at other times hidden by His humanity as per the Will of the Father (Mar 13:22).
This shows you that, indeed, Jesus Christ subjected Himself to ordinary processes of human development physically, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. The moment you receive Christ many things happen to you, including the increase in wisdom and favour with God.
Meditate on verse 52. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Our Lord God and mighty Father of benevolence, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that You impart wisdom and Your favour on me, my family, my community, my nation and Your church, here on earth until the end of time. Amen.