Text: Jeremiah 17:1-13
The story of reasons for God’s punishment on Israel is continued from Chapter 16 into this Chapter 17. The reasons listed in Chapter 17 are: idolatry (vv.1-4), relying on the flesh (v.5) and dishonesty in gaining wealth (v.11).
These are the very sins that are hurting us in Uganda and the world at large. Indeed, our hearts are deceitful (v.9), we must repent! Let us not rely on the arm of flesh, but on God (vv.5-8). Let us not gain wealth through corruption, but through hard work and trusting God (v.11). We will be able to do the right thing through the enablement of the Holy Spirit, whom we receive at the point we receive Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord.
Meditate on verses 8-9. How are you going to apply them to your life?
Our Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, we choose to trust in
You, repenting of all the evil our nation has done, especially that of rampant corruption. Cleanse our land of perjury, thieving and murders by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.