Text: Mark 16:1-8
On the first day of the week, women brought spices to anoint the body of Jesus (v.1). This shows that they, like the disciples, did not expect Jesus to resurrect from the dead. They found the stone had been rolled away (v. 3). Note that the stone was rolled away not to let Jesus out, but to let the witnesses come in (v. 4). The young man at the tomb told the women to tell the disciples of Jesus and Peter to go and meet Him in Galilee (v.7). Note that singling out of Peter does not imply that he was the leader of the disciples. It was a repositioning gesture, assuring him that he was still part of the group despite his denial that he knew Jesus a few days earlier (14:66-71). The message to Peter, to the disciples, and to all of us was; the gates of hell could not keep your Saviour and Master: He is risen and lives forever.

Meditate on verse 6. What encouragement do you get from this verse?
Heavenly Father and ever loving Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I thank You for accepting the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, offered for my deliverance and that of all mankind from all Sin, and for its glorious victory over death in the Power of His resurrection. Amen.

