Text: 1 Samuel 21:1-15
David is fleeing King Saul, who is trying to kill him. He arrived in the town of Nob, where many priests were staying (22:18). David was hungry and asked for bread. The only bread available was holy bread used in the tabernacle worship, the symbol of God’s provision, and only the priests are permitted to eat it (Lev.22:10). Jesus said that it was proper for the priest to give the holy bread because David was hungry, he needed food, he needed God’s provision (Matt.12:3-7, esp. v.7).
An important lesson to learn from this episode is the proper relationship of ceremonial law and mercy. God gave those laws to Moses to instruct His people about God, worship, purity etc., and the laws had to be obeyed. But those laws were not meant to harm people. The laws pointed to God’s grace.
So, when a person was in need, those laws could be set aside for the purpose of mercy and necessity.
Meditate on verse 5. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Merciful Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray You cleanse me with the blood of Jesus Christ so that I may be ushered into Your presence and grow in an ever deepening relationship with You. Amen.