Text: 1 Kings 19:1-21
Wicked Queen Jezebel was kicking up a big storm over the death of the prophets of Baal, and now she seeks to kill Elijah in retaliation. So, Elijah fled to Mount Horeb (Sanai), where Moses received the covenant Laws from Yahweh in the midst of storm, earthquake, and fire. Why was Yahweh not bringing His fiery covenantal judgment, as He recently did on Mount Carmel? Elijah felt alone. So, God spoke to Elijah, not through the storm, earthquake, or fire, but in a quiet whisper. God was working, gently, and Elijah was not alone. T here
were 7,000 other faithful worshippers of Yahweh.

It is often difficult to see God working. And things may not happen as you would like; but God is always working. Jesus said the Holy Spirit works like the wind. You can hear the sound, but you cannot see from where the wind comes nor where it goes (John3:8).Ministry is often like that. There are some very loud, spectacular showmen, but we do not know what they are actually accomplishing. If you are a minister, be faithful in teaching and preaching the Scriptures. The Lord will bring forth growth, if it is His will (1 Cor.3:7).

Meditate on verses 12-13. What is God teaching you in these verses?
Heavenly Father, I entreat You to help me hear Your voice out of the many noisy voices around me. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.

