Text: Daniel 4:1-37
In two fantastic miraculous events, Nebuchadnezzar had seen the power of God.
Even now, as Daniel hears of this second dream, the King is fully aware that the One true God governs the kingdoms of this earth. Yet knowledge of the true God is never enough. You might observe His power, but it is an entirely different thing to experience it for yourself. Signs, wonders and miracles have always been used to bring humility and a change of heart and mind. God’s power is not used so that we have political or public power; but to show how dependent we are on Him and how we must be humble and seek character change via His power. The king has not yet understood this, and once again Daniel is needed to help him understand
what God is communicating to him. That is why Daniel wisely tells him.
Daniel has experienced for himself the wonderful mercy of God in the previous chapters, therefore, he is fully convinced that Nebuchadnezzar can also receive this blessing (v.27). He cannot force the king to be humble, even as respected and influential as he may be. The king has been warned in this powerful dream, and the consequences for stubbornness are clearly revealed. The three previous miraculous events should have been enough to impact this stubborn man; but he would not listen and obey.
It took seven long years for the king to “wake up”. The Scriptures warn us time and again, that sin has consequences; “whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap” (Gal. 6:7). The king had more signs and wonders than most of us will ever experience, but he would not submit to God’s way. Because God loves His children, He will use whatever discipline is necessary to wake us up and move us forward. It took seven years, but Nebuchadnezzar finally understood, that Yahweh was to be worshipped and obeyed, not merely recognised. What will your heavenly Father do for you in order to get you to wake up? Pray that you will awaken soon before the cost of stubbornness becomes too high.
Meditate on verse 27. How are you going to apply it to your life and to your
King of kings in heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray You give me the
power and boldness to share with some of my leaders the need for them to
repent. Amen.