Text: 2 Chronicles 18:1-26
There was to be a war between the northern Kingdom of Israel against the Arameans. Ahab asked Jehoshaphat to join him. Jehoshaphat agreed, but it was to be a losing battle. Jehoshaphat was a good God-fearing man, but he allowed his son to marry the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, both of whom were idolaters, as was their daughter (21:6). Jehoshaphat then joined himself and his army to Israel, another union with idolaters. Though Jehoshaphat was good, he made two foolish decisions (see also 20:35-37).
Apostle Paul commands that unions of believes with unbelievers are forbidden. Of course, we all have mixed relationships (unbelievers might be our employers, teachers, government, etc.). But in marriage, no, and in business partnerships, no, etc. Christians live according to different standards, and the corrupt usually influence the pure (1 Cor.15:33). King Jesus joins Himself only to His righteous Father, and He unites us to Himself as converted, covenanted people. Let us all be very careful not to harm our souls, nor bring dishonor to the Lord, by alliances with unbelievers.
Meditate on verse 1. What is God teaching you in this verse?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me not to develop pride because of the resources You have given me. Amen.