Text: 1 Peter 3:1-22
Today’s passage is a summary of the Spirit and godly fruits of living out our faith in all areas of our lives. It spells out general principles to apply in different life situations (vv. 8-11) and the glorious results of trusting and obeying God even when believers find themselves on the receiving end of suffering—of malicious talk and accusation, of physical mistreatment, and of all kinds of evil (vv. 12-22). Note how the message in this passage relates to Psalm 34, part of which is quoted in verses 10-12. Also see how the passage closes with a comforting explanation and incentive for those suffering for doing right in verses 17-22.

In answering some of the practical questions that are always asked by those suffering for doing right, the passage reminds us of the sufferings of Christ and the glorious results of His passion and how Noah and his small family, though they suffered for righteousness, were saved through the universal flood. Note what Peter points out regarding the saving power of water baptism (v.21a, “…this water symbolises baptism that now saves you…” – NIV). It is not in its physical application of water to a believer. The sacrament of baptism has saving power by its visible sign (element of water) and its spiritual reality of which the sign is an emblem.

Meditate on verse 8. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me to be compassionate and tenderhearted to others. Amen.

