Text: Judges 9:1-57
One of Gideon’s wives was from Shechem, a city mixed with Canaanites and Israelites. With the help of the men of Shechem (v.24), Abimelech murdered 69 of his 70 half-brothers. This was his plan to be the ruler, by elimination of all potential rivals. But God did not allow that to prosper; so, He created hostility between the evil-doers until all were killed (vv. 56-57).
Abimelech is like his father of darkness, Satan, who also rules by killing and destroying all (John10:10). Our first king, Adam, likewise led all humanity into death. But our eternal King of glory, Jesus, rules with justice and mercy. Jesus gives abundant life and grace to those in His Kingdom. And will punish the wicked, in judgment If you are a leader in your church, please lead with patience, kindness, gentleness, understanding, etc. Treat those under your care as you would like to be treated (Matt.7:12), and as Jesus treats you.
Meditate on verses 4-5. What is God teaching you in these verses?
Loving Father, I pray that the consequences of Sin will not destroy my family. Cut off their sins, I pray O Lord, so that You may be their portion in all their days. This I pray, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.