Text: Joshua 12:1-24
Chapter 12 is a review of the victories already won by Israel, always by the grace and power of God. Verses 1-6 recall the victories gained under the leadership of Moses against the kings on the east side of River Jordan, and the rest of the chapter lists the victories under Joshua. The people need to be reminded (4:21-24; Exodus 13:8-9,14).
Looking back at what God has done for His people is a very important part of our faith. We forget easily, so we need to be reminded frequently. That is why we must always attend worship each Lord’s Day, to have frequent observance of the Lord’s Supper, and to share our lives with one another. We are reminded of God’s victories for us, we are strengthened to trust and to serve Christ. Daily prayer and reading of Scripture is also an essential element of remembering. Look back, always remember, and never forget what God has done for you in Christ.
Meditate on verses 1- 6. Why should people be reminded of the past victories?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank you for the many victories You have given me in the past. Teach me to trust You fully for the victories in future. Amen