Text: Psalm 77: 1-20
This Psalm prescribes the remedy for depression. The writer, Asaph, does not show the cause of his distress but it is clear that he is in distress. However, his mood begins to change as he recollected the goodness of the Lord and focuses on Him beginning from verse 10. To show that the Psalmist was in distress, he said that “Has God forgotten to be gracious…?” (v.9). He begins to get better
from the gloom when he said, “…I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High,” verse 10 (NKJV). When you are under distress remember the many blessings that God has given you in the past, you will be amazed and be healed!

Meditate on verse 10. How are you going to apply it to your life?

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, when in distress help me remember the victories You have given me in the past. Let me see Your ever presence.

