Text: 1 Samuel 4:1-22
Israel had just lost a battle against their ancient and incestant enemies, Philistia.
The elders thought Yahweh was not with them; so, they decided to bring the Ark of the Covenant into the camp. The Ark was the symbol of God’s presence, and they imagined that it would bring them victory. However, in the next battle, Israel lost again, and the Ark was captured. The people were trusting the symbol rather than the reality – Yahweh Himself. God gave all the symbols (tabernacle, priests, altar, etc.) to instruct the people about Himself and His gracious work of redemption.
Similarities to this problem still exist. Many people in the churches trust their membership, baptism, holy communion, etc. as being the things that make them acceptable to God. But these things are just symbols that teach us about the reality of the work of redemption of Jesus of His people. The symbols are important; the Lord gave them to us, and we should honour them. But they point to a greater reality – the person and work of Jesus Christ. When we trust the reality behind the symbols, then we receive the reality, the Lord our God.
Meditate on verses 10 – 11. What is God teaching you in the verses?
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, forgive Your Church wherever and whenever she has presented You as a symbol or a charm and not a reality. And equip us, by faith, for victory over all our enemies. Amen.