Text: Psalms 98:1-9
The “…right hand and His holy arm…” are symbols of power (v.1, NKJV). Let us
shout joyfully as we cheer and greet our King, the King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ (v.4). We can “…Break forth in song…”, meaning that we can generate
praise that cannot be contained only from a redeemed heart by the power of
the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 46:13; 51:5-8; 55:12). For rivers
to “…clap their hands…”, means that even nature is seen to rejoice in this
universal state of joy.
Meditate on verse 4. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, give me the joy of Salvation; let me shout to
Your glory and honour. Amen.