Text: Philippians 4:10-23
As with yesterday’s passage, today is about another practical matter – contentment. If we learn this, we can have peace even in the midst of the most horrible distress. Before Paul came to faith in Christ, he was a prominent Pharisee in Judaism. When he was converted by Christ, he entered an entirely different life. Paul became an apostle, an evangelist, a preacher, a pastor, and a writer of Scripture. He faced lots of challenges in life, including serious persecution and poverty. But over time, he became a contented person, meaning, he was calm, peaceful, and uncomplaining in any circumstance. Notice: Paul says he “learned” contentment. He was not always contented. It was a process even for an Apostle!

What made Paul become a contented person? Paul writes that his strength is from the Lord; not from within himself, nor his own will or strength. The Lord will provide the strength needed at the time it is needed. From his experiences, Paul knew that he could not determine how the future would turn out. Theologically, he took to heart that the Lord was absolutely sovereign over all things. Only God plans and does all things, even the difficult things. When that is learned in the heart, then contentment follows. When you have health problems, or you are in financial difficulties, etc., you will only be contented if you believe in your heart that God has done it, and He will bring you through it.

Meditate on verses 12-13. What is God teaching you in these verses?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me to be contented with what You have given me. Amen

