Text: Matthew 18: 23-35
Jesus, after mentioning that the Kingdom is available for little children, now goes into the revelation of the fact that we shall have to settle accounts with a certain king. This fact, he illustrates in a parable, in which a “certain King” forgives a wicked servant ten thousand talents which he was unable repay, at all costs, even if he sold all, including himself, wife and children. This same servant forgiven and free, meets a person who owes him one hundred talents. He catches and chokes him (v.28). Does this communicate something about you? Forgiven but finding it very hard to forgive others?
Meditate on verse 22. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Heavenly Father and our ever Merciful Lord, give me a heart to remember that I have been freely forgiven by You and, that, therefore, I should also freely forgive others. I pray You work in me and remove all bitterness. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.