Text: Luke 7:1-30
Jesus Christ healed the Centurion’s Servant (v. 2). A Centurion was a Roman Military Officer commanding 100 men. He was a humble officer who had faith in Christ; in fact he did not think himself fit to interact with Christ personally or directly. This is why he approached Him through intermediaries, the elders, to call Jesus on his behalf (v.3).

Jesus also raised a man who was being carried to be buried (vv. 12-15). For Jesus to touch the coffin of the dead person was at risk of defiling Himself according to the Law. However, instead of being defiled, He overpowered the presence of death and defilement (v.14). If sin has defiled you, accept Jesus’ touch and receive the eternal life.
In the midst of these miracles, John the Baptist was led into confusion. He requested Jesus to clarify some issues. Jesus did not rebuke him, instead, He responded in a manner that would make John understand that Jesus had accomplished what the Messiah was supposed to do (v.22). Jesus goes on to praise John that he was greater than Old Testament Prophets, because he saw with his own eyes and participated in the fulfilment of what those Old Prophets prophesied (v.28). Then Jesus also said that the believers today are greater than John because they are now in full understanding and have experiences which John only foresaw in more of a shadow form, Christ
dying for the sin of man.

Meditate on verse 13. How are you going to apply it to suffering people around you?

Our Lord and loving Father, I pray that You touch all who are physically sick and suffering and heal them, those known and unknown to me, including…(PLEASE NAME THEM).
Father, make me Your instrument of compassion and comfort for the sick; physically and spiritually. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.

