Text: Luke1:57-80
Earlier on in our studies, we saw the danger of blindly following the dictates of traditions (Matt. 15:1-20). And especially elevating them to the Word of God. In this text, we witness the firm stand of Elizabeth against a horde of traditionists, wanting to name the baby according to their tradition (vv.59- 63). She obeyed God rather than tradition of the time. Again also we witness good marital unity and good communication between Zachariah and Elizabeth.
Zachariah had properly relayed the information from the Lord to his wife,
concerning the name of the child. They were one in action and in spirit. They had to obey the Lord even when it looked very strange to their society (v.63).
And with obedience, Zachariah’s mouth opened and tongue loosened (v.64).
Meditate on verse 60. What is God teaching you in this verse?
Our Rock and Mighty Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that You build me firmly on Your grace, on Your Rock foundation, so that in Your blessed assurance I may be empowered to stand for Your Word in all places and at all times, and not fear man. Amen.