Text: Judges 17:1-13
The theme of this book changes at v.6, “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” In this chapter, we see how a private individual man, Micah from Ephraim, made false gods, a shrine, a priest’s garment; he ordained his son as his personal priest, and eventually he hired a Levite (not of Aaron’s line), who was willing to serve him as the priest. None of this was permitted by God’s Law given through Moses. Micah incorrectly assumed that Yahweh was blessing him because he had a private priest. Sadly, his is how Israel was going – self-elevation, but in fact descending deep into the pit of unfaithfulness.
God is gracious and forgiving, but our sins will not be blessed. We must worship and live according to God’s Word only, never according to our own religious ideas. The example of Jesus is always before us. He did only what His Father willed (John 4:34), and He never contradicted Scripture. We all are sinners, and we all need the saving grace of Jesus. As it was back then, so it is today. Worship and daily life must only be according to Scripture.
Meditate on verse 18. What is God teaching you in this verse?
Gracious and ever loving Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that you build a ring of holy protection around me and enable me never to familiarize myself with sin. Amen.