Text: Psalm 119:1-72
This Psalm is both the longest Psalm and longest chapter. It is arranged in an acrostic, where each letter or stanza begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet in order, mainly to assist memorising the Scripture as people passed on the Word orally because there were no personal Bibles. Up to verse 72, the Psalm is divided into two parts; the first one teaches that God’s law guides us (vv.1-32), for example, that blessed are the people who walk in the law of the Lord (v.1). The second part, (vv. 33-72), teaches us that God’s laws are precious. This is proved by the Psalmist saying that He longs for God’s law (v. 40). You must have a desire to read the precious Word of God every day, for it is like fire (and burns all evil and ills) and like a hammer (that breaks all strongholds), in your spiritual life (Jer 23:29).
Meditate on verse 40. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, instill in me the discipline to read and meditate on Your Word. Amen.

