Text: Nehemiah 12:1-47
A wall seems like a strange thing to dedicate, but one must consider the
protective importance of a wall during that period of history. Also, dedicating the wall to Yahweh acknowledges two things: (1) unless Yahweh watches over the city, the wall is useless (Ps.127:1); and, (2) everything is from God, and dedication acknowledges that fact and intentionally devotes everything back to God’s honor, as we use them (1 Cor.10:31). Dedication reminds the people of these things.

In our present age, we should still dedicate things. In your personal life, you can dedicate your home, gardening tools, job, etc. – everything. In the life of the Church, dedicate the building, the leaders, all the things, etc. Everything is from God and must be given back to Him through proper use. Like Jerusalem, the Church also has a wall that surrounds and protects. That wall is biblical doctrine, properly taught by the ministers. When Bible doctrines are compromised, the Church (which is the people) are in danger. When the Bible is not taught properly, the protection of God is removed. Let us all, leaders and laity, be very careful to maintain the integrity of the Bible.

Meditate on verse 27. What is God teaching you in this verse?
Our heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we dedicate our nation to
You. Let us work with our leaders to promote holiness and righteousness in
our land. Amen.

