Text: Genesis 1:1-31.
Perhaps the two most important things we learn from this chapter are: first, God existed before anything was created (God has always existed,); and second, everything else (even time) is just an element of His creation. So how does the theme Seeing Jesus Christ in the Old Testament work with this passage?
Though Jesus’ name isn’t mentioned specifically, we learn about Jesus the Creator when we read other passages in the Bible. Please take a few minutes at this very moment and read John 1:1-4; Colossians 1:16; and Hebrews 1:2.
These passages clearly teach that Jesus is the Creator of all things.
Meditate on verses 1 and 31. Evaluate how the truth in these verses is going to strengthen your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ?
Father, You are God Almighty. You created every thing, seen and unseen from nothing by Your powerful Word. Thank You for creating me in Your own image. In Your name Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.