Text: 1 Chronicles 17:1-27
In the previous chapter we read of how God covenanted with Israel. God now makes a covenant with King David. David had a great desire to build a house for Yahweh’s Ark, for His worship, but God said, no. Rather, Yahweh covenanted with David that David will have a son who will sit on David’s throne forever. This is a promise about the Messiah, the Saviour, Jesus Christ. This is the promise God made to the failed king, Adam, and his wife. Someone would be born to a woman, and He would destroy the works of the devil (Gen.3:15). That Someone is King Jesus.
If you trust Jesus Christ to be your Saviour, it is because God has already brought you into His eternal covenant of grace and united you to Jesus Christ. God does not change His mind (Num.23:19), so rejoice in knowing that you will never be separated from this union. Also, from the heart, live like someone joined to Christ, and thus bring glory to Him for His eternal grace to you.
Meditate on verse 16. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, who am I that You gave me the gift of salvation! A gift of life! And for this, I worship You in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.