Text: Jeremiah 31:1-30
“…A voice is heard in Ramah…Rachel is weeping for her children…” (v.15, ESV). Rachel was the second and favorite wife of Jacob. The Prophet was weeping over the Northern Kingdom in 722 B.C., pointing to future distress in Jerusalem. Rachel was the mother of Benjamin and Joseph who had been taken captive with others into captivity; so Rachel is weeping for them among others.
When Jesus Christ was born, King Herod felt threatened; so, he (King Herod) ordered the killing of male children in Bethlehem, who were two years and below (Mat 2:16-18). By killing these children, Herod thought that even Jesus Christ would be among those killed, not knowing that God was working ahead of him. This fulfilled the prophecy of Jeremiah; Rachel weeping for her sons in Ramah.
Meditate on Jer. 31:5. What is God teaching you in this verse?
Father in the name of Jesus Christ, may I enjoy the fruit of my labour. Amen.