Text: Jeremiah 45:1-5
Baruch was the Scribe (secretary) who wrote the dictation from the Prophet Jeremiah (36:4). Baruch found it challenging working with the very unpopular prophet, Jeremiah. Writing on struggles and judgement of the people had upset Baruch. Now Jeremiah who had then learned it the hard way not to complain, is encouraging Baruch not to focus on himself (v.5) and on rewards he thought he deserved. He was encouraged to focus on God. The moment you focus on yourself, you lose focus of God, and you lose all. Your fears and your entitlements become bigger than God. Even the disciple wanted to know their gain after following Jesus Christ (Mat. 19:27). Let Jesus Christ be our example, in His suffering, He focused on God (Luke 22:42).
Meditate on verse 5. What is God teaching you in this verse?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, forgive me for many times I have focused on myself and not on You. Amen.